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Saturday 2 August 2003

My life


So the two bands I'm in have been in high-intensity rehersal mode. Tennis Roberts was gearing up for it's first public gig and Polly's flute band is preparing to go play in Vegas next week. So TR practiced on Wednesday and then played on Thursday. We didn't do as much publicity as we should have. A woman who likes ED came and another woman who I used to play in a band with and her friend and these two guys that nobody knew. That was our entire audience. The two guys were in the back yelling "Slayer!" whenever ED played, cuz they were mocking his heavy distortion. They were making "satan" heavy metal hand getures. "Rock on!" they yelled. We were mocked by our sole "stranger" audience members. Christi was also there running sound and Polly was our opening act.

One of the two guys looked really familiar, so I wanted to talk to him after Polly said she didn't know him, but he and his friend left before our set was over. Christi later identified him as Amy X Neuburg's husband. Maybe he remebers meeting me at the Other Minds festival? Maybe he just saw us listed on the Transbay Calendar?

Yeah, so it would have taken 35 people to break even and as we fell a bit short of that, we owed the club some money. the people working there liked us though and said next time we could just split the door 50/50 so we wouldn't owe them if we had attendance. It turns out that another Matthew Sperry memorial concert was being held at the same time, featuring Pauline Oliveros. And then at the last minute, Tom Waits decided to play. So all the New Music types, except those two guys, were prolly across town watching Tom Waits.

Since I'm about to move, that was probably Tennis Roberts' last gig as a quartet, unless we suddenly get a call in the next couple of days. The band wants to stay together as a trio. They're concerned about rehersal space, but Mitch's bathroom is more than big enough to fit a trio. Instead of being a "garage band . . .." Also, a bathroom would give experience playing in echo-y noisy enviroments and high humidity. If we rehersed in the bathroom, we'd have been better prepared for being on the tiny stage at 21 Grand.

In other news, the Fender Rhodes works now. I tuned it tonight.


So I'm putting things in boxes and stuff. I just faxed a lease application to CT. Tommorrow, I'll overnight the rent and deposit. I'm a bit concerned about signing away a lot of money and two years on a place that I've never seen. The lease agreement is insanely restrictive. Don't sneeze in the hallway. Well, not really, but close. I'm probably not allowed to modify the heater to run on biodiesel, but as it's not specifically outlawed (unlike, say, shaking rugs out of windows), I'm sure it's fine.

Tiffany moved out today. Her spot is empty. She's gone forever. sniff. It's very very empty seeming downstairs with everything packed out and Tiffany gone. It's lonely.

125 People

Approximately 125 people will come over to my house tomorrow. Actually, today. That's a lot of people. We failed to get a band or even a string quartet, but we did get food, wine, beer, soda pop and chairs. Nothing to listen to, but something to sit on. I'm kind of chagrined at the lack of live music. We have a todo list for tomorrow:

  • get chairs
  • flowers
  • ice
  • put tuba in storage
  • pick up food
  • buy a nice shirt
  • get grandpa from the airport
  • pick up the keg
  • clean out ice bucket
  • get ice
  • clean catbox
  • close closet doors
  • mail rent check to CT

I can't understand why the divorce rate is so high. It's time for bed.

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