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Monday 31 January 2005


I keep getting things in the mail from the Army and now from the National Guard. Did somebody put me on a list as a joke? I'm about to turn 29. Don't they want people who are bit younger and, um, straighter? And less commie pacifist? I mean, I don't like the idea of Don't Ask Don't Tell and it's a bit late for the "telling" part. But heck, maybe they try to recruit lots of people in music grad school. I could join the composer corps. I thought they liked their queer composers to be safely dead. *cough*Copland*cough*

True: if the military hadn't fired all the bands under Clinton and didn't discriminate, my high school tuba teacher would have prolly recommended that I sign up and prolly would have. I mean, if I'd been willing to spend my junior and sneior year practicing 4 hours / day . . . which I prolly would have.

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