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Tuesday 8 March 2005

RadioShack Descriminates

Jesse is reporting that radioshack is anti-queer. No more radioshack for me. Boycott 'em.


Some homophobic magazine likes radioshack. You can argue with me about whether or not this is the "fault" of radioshack, but you know, "diversity training" just means putting something about respecting your customers in those boring training videos and telling managers they can't fire employees for being queer.

Al Lashers on University in Berkeley has more stuff and is usually cheaper and the folks working there are definitely more knowledgeable. Radioshack should also add some electronics training.



Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg said...

yes, basically the magazine felt that in comparison to other retail chains, RadioShack stands out in terms of its resistance to adopting queer-friendly company policies.

Crin said...

Many points to be made here. At the risk of sounding like a grammar nazi, it's "discriminate." (And no heckling about the watering down of the word nazi either. It lost the force of its original meaning long before I was on the scene). Also, not all radioshacks are anti-queer. Each one is individually owned by a franchiser. It's not a chain. So some dumb xtian magazine likes their corporate policy. Good for them. Lastly, radioshack is still the lowest on my list for service, quality, and selection. But sometimes they're the guys who are selling my watch batteries. (What's the alternate, Fry's?) My experience was that Al's was more expensive but a had much wider selection.

Charles Céleste Hutchins said...

A franchise is still a chain, it's just not directly owned by the corporation.

Radioshack could form a corporate policy against discrimination but has chosen not to. Homophobes are rewarding them for that. It would be mistake for queers and those who like queers to ignore this.

Watch batteries: you can also get them at jewelry stores, watch stores and department stores.

Charles Céleste Hutchins said...

A franchise is still a chain, it's just not directly owned by the corporation.

Radioshack could form a corporate policy against discrimination but has chosen not to. Homophobes are rewarding them for that. It would be mistake for queers and those who like queers to ignore this.

Watch batteries: you can also get them at jewelry stores, watch stores and department stores.

Crin said...

I'm just stirring the pot a little. Can't get a good frothing rant going without some dissent -- Don't get me started on Jewelry stores. They sell *diamonds* you know, and as a feminist, those are on the no-no list for me. I wouldn't want to be caught supporting an anti-woman establishment. The point is, lots of people lots of the time could chose to do better. That Radioshack didn't step up to the plate is hardly suprising, but their crime isn't that they actively suppress gays and lesbians. A silly xtian magazine sees this as a positive development, I see it as apathy. Why should RS bother? They have *never* stepped up to the plate for anything, including quality and service. They don't have to. They don't sell to discriminating customers. They sell batteries, mobile phones, and rc cars. Their entire business model IS the lowest common denominator. This xtian magazine flak, though, is publicity they don't need. Kudos go to the hate groups that think RS is somehow the epitome of anything. It really proves to the rest of the reality-based community how absolutely inane being anti-gay is.

Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg said...

it's definitely a good thing to use rhetoric that marginalizes christian groups and media outlets, but a magazine like Business Reform is hardly marginal. looking through the website, you'll find articles and readers' comments from folks working at fortune 500 companies.

this sort of publicity is really just a manifestation of the strong ties between the Christian and corporate factions of the conservative coalition that dominates American politics. queers are way more marginal in terms of their influence on corporate policy and buying power in comparison to the Christian right.

being anti-gay is discriminatory and inane, but it's also a very credible position in the United States in 2005.

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