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Tuesday, 11 February 2003

Joan Tower b. 1938

  • born in 1938, New Rochelle, NY.
  • spent her childhood in South America
  • studied at Bennington College, Vermont (1958-61); Columbia University (MA - 1967, DMA - 1978).
  • In 1969, founded Da Capo Chamber Players; won Naumburg Award for Chamber music in 1973.
  • Taught at Bard College in Annadale0on-Hudson starting in 1972.
  • Was Composer-in-Residence of the St. Louis Symphony from 1985 to 1987.
  • Received numberous fellowships including a Guggenheim (1976), a Koussevitsky Foundation grant (1982), several NEH fellowships, and the prestigious Grawemeyer Award (1990).
cut and pasted from:
writes for chamber and orchestra,_Joan/

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