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Wednesday 8 October 2003

Esperanto names

(cxjo is Mitch. It's pronounced like "chjo." It is an Esperanto suffix for a male nickname. The female equivalent is njo, pronounced like "nyo." normally these go at the end of names. For example, instead of being Micxelo (Mitchell), one would be Micxjo (pronounced Meechjo). Or instead of being Celeste one would be called Cenjo (pronounced Tsenjo).

In Esperantio, I keep my name with it's current spelling, which in Esperanto is then pronounced Tselesteh. (that 'h' is not a typo, it's to show that the last 'e' isn't silent). Female names can also end with an 'o' or an 'a', so I could be Celesto or Celesta. (some folks want to end all female names with 'a,' but it's not a standard at all. As far as esperantizing names goes, I don't think anyone would tack an 'a' on to the end of a male name. Mitchell would not become Micxela, unless there's a woman named Mitchell.) If I don't like the 'ts' sound and want to have my sibilant at the sart, I can respell my name to Seleste, Selesto, or Selesta. Or to have it sound just like it's english pronunciation, I could spell it Selest, but I feel so naked without a vowel at the end. Also, there's an advantage to not changing the spelling if the pronunciation is similar enough, so people could recognize it written down. and I'm used to people who speak Spanish and Italian and others pronouncing it in their own languages.

there you have it. now i must get back to work. I need to write a five minute piano piece. I wonder if i should just have the player plays keys or do something more silly inside the piano.)

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