still liveblogging the SC symposium
His libs. VarGui: multi-slider gui. HS (HelpSynth) HSPar and related.
LFO-like control fo synths, generated by Pbinds
Can be discrete or continuous - a perceptual thing in the interval size.
Discrete control can be moved towards continuous by shortening the control interval.
Can do direct LFO control. Pbind-generated synths that read from or write to control busses.
Or you can do new values per event, which is language only or put synth values in a Pbind.
Pbind generated synths
Write a synthdef that reads from a bus. Write a synth that writes to a bus. Make a bus. Make a Pbind
Pbind( \instrument, \A1, \dor, 0.5, \pitchBus, c )
Ok, w his lib, make a sequence of durations. Starts the synths. Get the values at the intervals with defined latency. The values are sent back to the language, which has more latency. Then you have a bunch of values that you can use. If you play audio with it, there is yet another layer of latency.
h = HS(s, {/* usegn graph*/}); p = PHS(h, [], 0.15 [ /*usual Pbind def*/ ]).play . . . p.stop; // just stops the PHS p.stop(true); // also stops the HS
// normal synth .. . . ( p = PHS(h, [], 0.2, [/* pdind list*/]).play(c, q)
PHS is a PHelp Synth *new (helpSynth, helpSynthArgs, dur1, pbdindData1 . . .durN, pbindDataN)
PHSuse has a clock
PHSpar switches between two patterns.
(I do not understand why you would do this instead of just use a Pbind? Apparently, a this is widely used, so I assume there exists a compelling reason.)
download it from
Ah, apparently, the advantage is that you can easily connect ugens to patterns, as input sources w the s.getSharedContol(0)
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