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Wednesday 2 July 2014

Architecture for Server-based Indoor Audio Walks

Use case: Lautlots

People walked around wearing headphones with a mobile phone stuck on top like extra silly cybermen.

they had six rooms, including two with position tracking. They used camera tracking in one room, and bluetooth plus a step counter in the other room.. They had LEDs on the headset for the camera tracking

He is showing a video of the walk.

they used a server/client architecture, so the server knows where everyone is. This is to prevent the guided walk from directing people to sit on each other.

Client asks for messages they want to receive.

He is showing his PD code, which makes me happy I never have to code in PD

this is also at github


What did users think of this?

Users were very happy and came out smiling.

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Commission Music

Commission Music
Bespoke Noise!!