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Wednesday 2 October 2002

Today is the first day of Esperanto class. Yes, this means summer is finally over. I left for my mom's house really early, so I don't have 15 GRE words for today, but they will resume tomorrow along with the 5 esperanto root words of the day. If I learn 20 new words a day, in two languages, soon i'll be the best spoken person on earth. (note to self: there must be a more multi-sylabled way to say that...)
I woke up in a bad mood because I couldn't remeber what "abjure" meant. But now I feel happier.
My mom is popular. Twof reinds came earlier and two more are on the way. That's all god. She's also happy. I'm not paying attention to her right now because I am updating my blog. Bad daughter! No bisquit!

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