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Monday 5 June 2006

Write the program, write the notes, write the program notes

In which I pretend to be bilingual. concert info.

Élégie 2006 de Hutchins. Flûte à bec et ordinateur. - Ça morceau de musique a un air triste. Les notes sont instables. Elles glissent de équilibré al précarité, comme la vie descend al la mort. C'est un souvenir des mortes dans ma famille.

Elegy 2006 by Hutchins. Recorder and computer. - A piece with unstable notes. They glissando from equilibrium to precarity as life slides into death. This is a remembrance of of my deceased mother and foremothers.

Bach can write his own program notes

Bell Tolls 2004 de Hutchins. Ordinateur. - Des triades des cloches fausses. Il y a un algorithme de spatialisation, donc toutes les notes semblent si elles avent des sources différentes. Les tons sont de une table d'accords.

Bell Tolls 2004 by Hutchins. Computer. -Triads with a sound that resembles wind chimes. It uses a spatialization algorithm so that each “chime” sounds like it is coming from a different location. The pitch of each new set of chimes is based on the pitch of the chimes that precede it. The pitches come from a 21-limit tuning table.

Ishii I wouldn't presume to write program notes for

Meditations pour les Femmes 2005 - 2006 de Hutchins. Ordinateur - La poésie est par Jean SIRIUS 1981. La traduction est d’Isabelle JULIENNE 2006. La voix est celle de Solène RIOT.

Meditations for Women 2005 - 6 by Hutchins. Computer - This piece uses the voice of Solène RIOT reading Jean SIRIUS' 1981 poem "Meditations for Women." Fr. tr. Isabelle JULIENNE

Multis 2006 de Hutchins. Flûte à bec. - Un tactus rythmique avec des multiphoniques.

Multis 2006 by hutchins. Recorder. - A rhythmic tactus with multiphonics

Improvisation - Flûte à bec avec un logiciel fait main d'échantillonnage.

Improvisation - Recorder and home-brew sampling software

Celeste Hutchins est née en Californie durant 1976. Elle a obtenu un diplôme de Mills College de Oakland de Californie durant 1998 et de l'université de Wesleyan durant 2005. Elle jouait de concerts aux États-Unis, Canada et France, de la radio, de l'Internet, et des CDs. Ella a fini récemment le cours de CCMIX de Romanville.

Celeste Hutchins was born in California in 1976. She went to Mills College in Oakland, California and graduated with a B.A. in 1998 and from Wesleyan University with an MA in 2005. She has played at several concerts, appeared on a CD put out by Ibol Records and has had radio and internet play. Celeste just finished the course at CCMIX in France.

I think the program notes for elegy are too melodramatic. When I wrote the piece it was about unstable rhythms and pitch sliding, but the player is not so fond of instability and it became a lot more lyrical. This is why you collaborate, right? To come up with things you wouldn't have done otherwise. But I don't know what to say about the piece now aside from that I'm not a fan of the computer background drone that got added.

And multis, um, is in 9/8 usually divided with two groups of three 8th notes followed by two dotted 8th notes, but this changes. And it's got multiphonics. and is very rhythmic. And um. yeah. When I wrote it, I was thinking that wikipedia should really have an article up about wtf tactus means, cuz I was asked for tactus and it took me forever to figure out what that meant.

(why did i write my own sample software? Because I'm too cheap to buy any. This must change! For some applications, I can get exactly what I want by writing it, but in this case, the final output ("Simple Sample" I called the app) would have been so much better if I'd used commercial software. Easier to play, easier to control, less time chasing bugs. I'm not using any fancy algorithms, just some beat tracking, looping and straight-ahead play back. (Maybe a teeny bit of Home brew should not equal creds unless it's really worth home brewing. (A homebrewed clone of Miller Light "beer" is still piss - it's a home brewed doppelbach that's worth the effort.) Anyway, I learned that Renaissance musicians may not be fans of granularization.)

Comments are, as always, welcome.

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