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Monday 7 October 2002

I'm trying out chimera to post this update. it's a netscape browser, based on mozilla code but optomized for osx. normally, i post updates with internet explorer. i don't like internet explorer or mozilla, i like omniweb. but some of the java script at is weird and omniweb can't do it. it's the only thing it can't do that i've found. conversely, internet explorer messes up the rollovers at, so don't do thiking omniweb is inferior. anyway, if this posting works, then i'll stop using ie altogther and start using chimera for this one website . . . at least until an omniweb update comes out. Mitch's housemate, Juraj (kiu micxjo havas senmortantan amon por) works on mozilla, so he said i should check it out. now i am doing so. it's nice when people take pride in their work and their companies. when i worked at that same company, i was mostly just embarrased about it, cuz of some of their other services.

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